In the period of six months, I was taking GLF regularly two times a day and I managed to reduce body weight from 115 kg to 85 kg, which is 30 kg in total. In the same period of the time the size of my waist became 25 cm smaller from - 113 cm to 88 cm.
Prije nego sam počeo piti GLF, šećer mi je bio od 10-15, ali nakon 10-tak dana mi se počeo stabilizirati i sada je u normali, kao i Hba1c koji je sada 6,2. To znači da je sada u referentnim vrijednostima kao i ukupni kolesterol, LDL kolesterol, trigliceridi, i HDL kolesterol. Korištenjem GLF primijetio sam da već nakon dva dana nemam problema sa želudčanom kiselinom tako da sam ponovo počeo uživati u kavi.
So far I've lost ten pounds and 20 cm at the waist. I am very pleasantly surprised because I was not on any special diet.
The situation, which I was a few years ago, I would describe as an uncontrolled one, with a body weight of 106 to108 kg, with high blood sugar, high cholesterol level, irregular stool. Trying to do something about it, suffering from the various diets, receiving all kinds of recommendations, practicing physical activity, for two years I was able to get down to 100 to 102 kg, with high sugar level HbA1c sugar - 10.2, high cholesterol - 7.6. All this is evident from the medical findings of April 2015.
GetLine Formula for me is just the unexpected discovery that changed my very essential dozen ways of functioning.